Retail Sizes and Specialty Grocery

Looking to update & upgrade your vanilla offering for your best customers?  We offer a complete line of vanilla products, including vanilla extract, vanilla bean paste and whole vanilla beans in traditional, Certified Organic and Regenerative Certified Organic® (ROC) label options.  

Vanilla Bean Project is a small business making a big impact while producing super-premium vanilla products for use by home chefs.

Our retail vanilla product line offers a unique high-quality twist on a beloved pantry staple.  Your customers love food and love buying from you.  We are a small business who understands the importance of your store and your role with your customer.  We make super-premium vanilla products to delight your customers. We are committed to making quality products and growing our business with the level of service you deserve.  Vanilla Bean Project is looking for fellow food lovers who share our commitment to people and the planet. 

Our products are available on Faire or contact us if you would like us wholesale pricing.